Jan 29, 2022

Thank you Alison, welcome Gail!

written by Jennifer Wright
Gail and Alison

The Trinity Centre is very much part of Holy Trinity’s service to the community and in our DNA. It is a wonderful space and users often comment on its peaceful welcome and its gentle ambience.

Alison Meikle has organised the bookings for the Centre for many years now, as well as working for St Mary’s from our office. It has been a symbiotic arrangement which has worked very well for both sides.

However Alison, at Christmas time, felt it was time to retire and hand over both roles to someone else. We will miss her, but wish her well in all that she will continue to do for St Mary’s.

With this news came the question of who might organise the Centre for us? As an answer to much prayer, in January, Gail Craven came forward and volunteered to take over the role. Gail has admin experience and is naturally good with people. There is no doubt that she will be absolutely perfect for the role!! It is hoped that much of the job can be transferred onto the computer so that Gail has the choice of working from home. The setting up of this may take a little time, but I am sure it will happen.

Due to this new role, Gail thought it was appropriate that she resign from the role of People’s Warden which she has filled most sensitively and successfully for the last few years. Her resignation was noted at the Vestry Away Day on January 15th. The Vestry, and I am sure all of you, thank her most profusely for all the support she has given members of the congregation in her time as People’s Warden. Thank you, Gail.

So another chapter begins and I am sure it will be one of love and humble service to the people of East Lothian.

Rev Liz