To be a Pilgrim
The Rt Rev Anne Dyer, Bishop of Aberdeen & Orkney, as lead bishop in this provincial initiative says “In this designated year of pilgrimage we will be encouraging as many people as possible to make a holy journey of some kind. This can include taking part in an organised pilgrimage or spending time individually or in groups simply focussing on our own spiritual journeys.”
At Holy Trinity, we are forming a small pilgrimage group to take ideas forward and help with organisation, please let Rev. Liz know if you would like to help.
Events we know will be taking place:
Diocesan Pilgrimage Conference at Holy Trinity on Saturday 26th February 2022, 9:15 – 3pm
The Big Walk to St Mary’s Cathedral in Edinburgh, Saturday 28th May 2022
Suggestions of Pilgrimage events for Holy Trinity include:
- Joining in with Diocesan pilgrimage events
- Organising physical pilgrimages to local holy sites, and worshipping together there
- Exploring labyrinths, indoor and outdoor
- Day of discussion and exploration into our faith
- Short retreat?
- Prayer
Let us pray:
Lord God, we thank you for giving us the opportunity to share time with You as individuals and in our gatherings as Pilgrims on Your Way.
We are grateful for the way markers you have shown us through the life and example of your son Jesus. We ask that you to help us to follow in his footsteps. When we look back on our life journey we give thanks for the seasons when we see only one set of footprints as those were the times you carried us. As You helped us in times of difficulty please guide us to those in need of our love and support within our local communities. As we go forward as pilgrims together we ask that we might love you more dearly, see you more clearly, and follow you more nearly. In Jesus name we pray, Amen