Craft Group

We are a friendly and informal Craft Group which meets every fortnight on a Wednesday afternoon in Holy Trinity Church from 2pm – 4pm. Anyone can come along either just for a chat and/or with a project that they are working on. We enjoy the banter, the crafting and along with the tea/coffee we  sometimes have home baking to nibble on!

In the past,as well as our individual projects, we have undertaken group endeavours – crocheting poppies which made up a Remembrance Fall… and daffodils for the Easter Fall, both of which adorn our font during the appropriate season. We have also crocheted and knitted flowers for the Haddington in Bloom celebration and displayed our efforts on the front gates. These were hugely admired by passers by! Barbara Burt has also made a new white altar fall and pulpit fall for the high celebrations of the church, made from an old chasuble which was no longer wearable.

So come along if you like making things, chatting, listening to chat and receiving encouragement from others. It is good fun!

For more details: or 07949 667 135