Mar 21, 2023

Achieving Net Zero for Holy Trinity

written by Liz O'Ryan


At General Synod a few years ago the Scottish Episcopal Church pledged to become Net Zero by 2030. It was an ambitious goal then and now, with only seven years to go, it still remains very ambitious. However the Church is stepping up to the mark. On the Provincial Website there is now a half hour talk recorded at the official launch of the SEC’s Net Zero Action Plan. There is also on the website a Net Zero Tool Kit which helps church work out their priorities and what is and is not possible. The SEC aims to make its church buildings net zero, the energy which we buy in net zero and clergy travel likewise.

We will do this through the lens of the 5th Mark of Mission which encourages us  ‘To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.’

At the end of February members of the congregation attended the Launch, and will attend a webinar which will tell us more of the possible ways forward to achieve Net Zero for our churches. The objectives of the overarching plan are:

  1. Energy Efficient – curb heat loss/zero installations/good EPC for buildings
  2. Clean Energy – renewable – eventually zero heating emissions – do we heat the space or the people?
  3. Thriving Biodiversity – gardens
  4. Active Transport
  5. Zero Waste
  6. Good governance
  7. Climate Literate
  8. Rooted Worship
  9. Positive Finance – match funding
  10. Build a movement by supporting others to join us

In Holy Trinity the Eco Group will draft a plan for the next seven years in our journey towards Net Zero. We are already making good and positive strides: all our electricity and gas are from ‘green’ sources; we have secondary glazed two major windows in the Rectory; our lights in the church are now LED; our buildings are well insulated; we are exploring the secondary glazing in the church.

We hope that you will be able to support us in this venture, for the sake of God’s creation and our brothers and sisters around the world. Our part may only be a fraction of what is needed – but it is good to start somewhere and do SOMETHING!

Liz O’Ryan