Bishop’s Lent Appeal 2022
“The Welcoming”
UPDATE: Over the weeks of Lent people have given very generously to this Appeal. In Holy Trinity we have raised a wonderful £576 for thios charity. Thank you to all who gave and donated. All monies will be gathered with those from all other churches in the Edinburgh Diocese.
The Welcoming’s vision is of a diverse and inclusive Scotland, where everyone feels welcome and can achieve their potential. The charity has a 20 year legacy of supporting new arrivals in Scotland to thrive.
In 2021, The Welcoming was involved in supporting newly arrived Afghan families, assisting EU citizens with Brexit, campaigning against Anti-Refugee Bill and promoting the Together with Refugees campaign. The charity won the Ashden Award for Greener Communities at COP26 for supporting New Scots to live more sustainably.
The Welcoming continues to support refugees, asylum seekers and migrants to feel at home in Edinburgh. The charity supports New Scots to learn English, secure employment and access local services, offering opportunities for friendship, health and well being and sustainable living. The Welcoming also connects locals and New Scots though social and cultural exchanges and a thriving volunteer programmes.
Every week during Lent there will be a separate collection plate at the back of church during a service for anyone who wishes to donate. Our offering will then be gathered together with those from across the Edinburgh Diocese. At a time when we hope that Scotland will be welcoming refugees from the war in the Ukraine, I am sure your donation will be used and gratefully received.
With thanks, Liz