Jan 29, 2022

Christian Aid

written by Jennifer Wright
Christian Aid Logo

John Weierter, Local Organiser for Christian Aid Week, reports on 2021

Thank you to all who supported Christian Aid in 2021! Here is a summary of our fundraising for 2021:

Christian Aid Week

  • £1847 in envelopes through Norman Craig’s shop.
  • £433 in envelopes returned through Church Reps.
  • £900 in 4 big cheques handed in directly.
  • £983 raised through the Haddington Churches online JustGiving page.
  • £969 the KiltWalk.

Total from CA Week: £5132.

Other Fundraising

  • £345 Banked by August (mainly wee boxes)
  • £194 by December (£50 boxes + £144 quiz)
  • £250 via our online page at GiveStar (£120 initially + £130 due to quiz)
  • £147 Donations sent directly to CA by Holy Trinity.

Total other Fundraising: £936.

A total of £6068 was raised by Haddington Churches Group in 2021.

Thoughts on 2022
We hope that it will be possible to resume our varied programme of events through the year. Watch this space.

Christian Aid Week is 15-21 May 2022. The Church Reps Committee is discussing whether we can take steps towards phasing out door-to-door collections as we concentrate more on proven donors and expand online methods, particularly The KiltWalk.

National Campaigns
For the full list of current campaigns and efforts of Christian Aid, go to the website. CA joined forces with DEC charities to respond to the Afghanistan crisis and prioritised this fund-raising appeal. You can still donate on the Christian Aid website.

Best regards and good health to you all.